Be Part of the Largest Independent Premier Service Network in North America

Why Should I Become a Service Partner of the National Service Cooperative?

  • Your company will be represented on a National Level while you are still managing your own existing market and customers
  • Increase your business and revenues
  • Higher than normal “Warranty Rates”
  • Membership in the IndEx Buying Group
  • Sharing best practices from your industry peers
  • Utilizing the NSC “Customer Loyalty Appreciation Program”. Learn how your company is performing with your customers


To start the process please complete the “Service Partner Application Form” and we will contact you

No, as long as you meet the “Service Partner Performance Standards” you will become eligible to be a Service Partner

No, there are no set-up fees or monthly fees

The NSC markets your company on a national basis through our web site, NSC customers and vendors, industry trade shows and newsletters

Yes, the NSC has an annual conference where all service partners are invited as well as our IndEx Buying Group Vendors and NSC Manufacturer clients

NSC Premier Service Network